cancellation policy
Here at The Temple we value time. We believe that it is our most valuable asset and resource. When we commit a block of time to you - we promise to be here. We promise to start on time and to finish on time so that your day runs smoothly also. If we are more than fifteen minutes late, we will offer a 10% discount off your treatment as an acknowledgement.
That's our commitment to you.
We ask that in return you value our time by committing back to us. When you make an appointment with us you commit your time on that day to being here also. We allow changes and cancellations up to 48hours for all appointments - this allows us to recommit our time to another client. We also send out a confirmation text 3 days prior to assist if any changes do need to be made as a friendly reminder.
If you make more than 2 cancellations after the required time mentioned above, or fail to attend an appointment, it MAY result in a cancellation fee. This will need to be paid before another booking can be made. We understand that sometimes things come up that can't be helped, however if this becomes a regular occurrence we will require your future bookings to be paid for in advance. Please keep in mind that our policy will be applied at our discretion, and that we always come from an understanding and compassionate place.
We trust that you understand why this policy has been put in place and our reasoning behind implimenting this. We value you, we know you value us - so let’s value each other’s time 💕
treatment times
The timing of our treatments and packages are approximate and the order of services specified may change at the therapist's discretion. If you do arrive late for your appointment, the time of your treatment will be reduced in order to accommodate a prompt start time for our next guest.
clinical disclaimer
PLEASE NOTE: Pre and post home care will be recommended for most of our clinical facials and procedures. Many of the results are determined by what is done prior to the treatment and after. True lasting results are a combination of good home care routine and a clinical program tailored to meet your skin care concerns. We endorse true, genuine results with only treatments that have been tried and tested with the highest quality machinery and products to support this standard.
Book in for your free skin consult with one of our specialist today so we can tailor a program for you to meet all your concerns. The healthier the skin is before we step into these treatments, the better the result and less downtime. Starting slow and low is key. Remember it’s a journey; many of these modalities can be used in conjunction with one another to achieve optimum results.